This post will be less about what I did this weekend and more about an application that I downloaded.  This application by google matches your selfie to famous paintings.   For those worried that I am “slacking”,  I actually worked on other things this weekend.  I even started knitting my first sweater. Isabelle has already recommended that I undo everything and start over but I am stubborn and will continue on… yep…I am the typical “knitting man”.. you know… the kind  who wont stop to ask for directions.  I will post more on that later. (I think I am going to call it the “franken-sweater”)

(by the way… you will note from the feature picture that we finally got snow this weekend.)

Selfies and Art

Back to the silly application and the selfies.  I downloaded Google Arts & Culture.   They have a beta function that lets you take selfies and they match you with one of the million pictures of art they have.   In an earlier post, I mentioned how amusing it was to be in the Louvre in Paris and see people with their backs to art taking selfies.(see Weekend in Paris) Now in a ironic twist of fate I am exploring art with the help of selfies.

I decided to make this a family event.  I will share all of our matches and hope you will leave in the comments your vote for the best match.

Let’s start from youngest to oldest.




(umm… don’t tell Sam but this is a woman)





(me…  this guy looks so neat and well groomed… not really a strength of mine )



(yep… she is the oldest… and that isn’t rude for me to write since I didn’t give out her age.  This is the only artist I was really familiar with… and I love John Sargent)

Isabelle Selfie


(I did this at work and got in one of my matches a JEDI… not posting it because it looks like me but because it is awesome to have even the slightest suggestion that I am a JEDI)

adam 2

Love to hear what you think…   I am not sure we really explored art as much as we just made fun of each other’s matches.   (I think Gwen said when she saw my matches… “Exactly as I expected… old ugly men with beards”)